Mastering Mac’s Snipping Tool!
Snipping tool on mac is an easy-to-use screenshot tool that’s available for free. It can capture your entire screen or just a specific window. It also offers a variety of options, including a timer and a pen tool.
It’s important to keep your snipping tool updated so that you can use the latest features. This helps ensure that it works correctly and efficiently.

How to use
The built-in snipping tool on macOS empowers users to efficiently capture, annotate, and share visual content. Its flexibility, customization options, and direct integration with other apps make it a powerful addition to any Mac user’s workflow.
To use the snipping tool, press Shift + Command + 5. A panel will open with several screenshot options. These include Full Screen Snip, Window Snip, Rectangular Snip, and Free-form Snip. Each option can be further customized by using the Tools menu.
In addition to allowing you to capture specific areas of the screen, you can also set a timer before a snip is taken. You can even save your snips to a custom location. By default, the snipping tool on mac saves screenshots to the desktop as PNG files. However, you can change the file format by clicking the Options button in the Snipping Tool panel. This feature is especially helpful if you want to optimize your screenshots for web use.
Capture the entire screen
There are several ways to take a screenshot on mac, but the simplest is with the built-in screen capture tool. It’s easy and fast, and it saves the image as a PNG file on your desktop. If you’re having trouble capturing your entire desktop, try changing your screen resolution.
If you want to take a screenshot of an entire window or menu, press the keys Command + Shift + 4. The cursor will change to a camera icon, and you can move it around the screen to define the area you want to capture. Once you’ve surrounded the desired area, click to take the screenshot.
You can also use this feature to record a video of your entire screen or a selected window. This is ideal for sharing tutorials or other content with your colleagues. You can also access more advanced options through the Options dropdown, including where to save your snip, set a timer, and choose whether or not to show the mouse cursor.
Capture a specific window
For those who do not want to use their mouse or trackpad, the snipping tool on mac can be used to capture a single window. To do this, simply press the Shift + Command + 4 keys simultaneously. This will turn your cursor into a crosshair and allow you to select the exact window that you want to capture. The screenshot will then be saved to your desktop as a PNG file.
If you’re having trouble using the snipping tool, try restarting your computer or checking your system settings. Also, make sure that your snips are being saved to the correct folder.
Another great feature of the Mac snipping tool is its ability to screen record. This can be especially useful for capturing dialogue boxes and other interactions with apps. Additionally, it can be used to take full-screen screenshots and snapshots of individual app windows. You can even capture multiple screens and save them all as a single video.
Edit the captured image
Using the Snipping Tool on mac, you can take screenshots and annotate them with shapes like arrows or text. The app also includes a built-in image editor, which you can use to edit the screenshots before you save them.
The Snipping Tool on mac allows you to capture a rectangular area, a window, or a freeform area with your mouse or trackpad. You can also select a mode that includes a timer, which will delay the capture by 1-5 seconds.
Another useful feature is the highlighter tool, which allows you to highlight specific sections of your snip. To do this, click the “Highlighter” button in the toolbar, select a color, and then drag your cursor over the desired areas to highlight them. You can also add text to your snips to clarify certain parts of the screen or provide instructions. You can even record and save your snips to the app’s cloud storage. This is a great feature for people who want to share their snips with others.